Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday weigh in....

*sigh* heard me: *siiiiiiiiggghhh* The sigh heard round the world....or round my house...

So, there is good news (well ok news) and bad news.  First?  The bad news:  I still have not hit the @#$%*#&@@#&$%*  50    $%@#%&#%   POUND Mark!!!!!  It is so beyond ridiculous.  Be. Yond. I lost .5 this week.   Here's what's going on in my mind right now:
  • UGH!  I've been *almost* at 50lbs since like Feb 4th!!  WTH?!?!  How can it take so long to lose 4 lbs when you still REALLY have 54 more to lose!!!???
  • Well, it was your Valentines day date night and there were lots and lots of extremely delicious high fat things consumed by you and you STILL managed to lose a half of a pound!  That's pretty awesome, right!?!?  
  • Yeah, but BUT this is just dragging on and on!  I wish I never told anyone that I was so close to hitting my halfway mark.  I'm so embarrassed and frustrated that its taking so long. : (
  • But you DID eat your WHOLE box of Dove truffles this week!  And if I remember correctly  you were planning on just breaking even this week, so if you look at it like that (and you were!) you are a half pound ahead!  Good job! *pats self on back*
  • But...Ok look at  exhibit A  my weight graph:

    • You see?  It's not just the last weigh in.  It's like a little stall out there at the end. And it is SOOO not for a lack of trying!!  (FYI- each little star is a little milestone.  For instance, the purple ones are 5 lbs I think)
    Well, I could go back and forth like this forever but in the end it is what it is.  I just have to try harder, I guess.  Ya know, if I could lose weight like I did this week knowing what a bad weekend I had, technically without that holiday weekend, I probably would've hit the mark this week.  It was worth it.  It was. I had a pretty magical time so...I need to just remember that.
    And I think I'm going to be checking my weight before next Friday because I think I'm almost there.  I know one thing.  I am way PAST tired of seeing this every time I walk in the kitchen!

    Its to the point now that I just roll my eyes every time I look at it.  Hell, I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about it!  Lol 
    Sooooo, I'm thinking I'm going to break my own rule and weigh in again on Monday....I'm so ready to see that magic number! 


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