Thursday, February 2, 2012

Goooood Mooorniiiiinnnnggg (<---------Opera Style!)

Hey there you sexy biotch of a blog!  Ah, where to start?  Hmmm, Oh!  I know!  We can start with me kicking ass on my run yesterday!  Micheal and I went to the gym and ran on their indoor track.  Originally I had told M that I didn't want him running with me because in the past I always feel like I'm trying to keep up with him and he's always in better shape than me.  But since this was my 5th day on the C25K (go me!) and he seemed a little sad that I didn't let him come with me yet, I decided to give it a try.  Guess what? I really enjoyed it!  He stayed a half step behind me the whole time and it was really nice having a partner.  It's really ridiculous how good he is to me! <3  So yeah, our total miles covered: 2.11!  Woo hoo!  Everytime I run, I go a tiny bit further! I'm actually really looking forward to my runs now. I can NOT believe I just said that, but it's true!  Of course my favorite part is the very beginning and then when I've accomplished it!  The middle sucketh, but it's worth it!  My calves have been sore for 3 days and this makes me SO SO happy because as much weight as I've lost, I don't think they've lost any in or cm!!  And they are HUGE!  I want them to thin out at least a little!  <------lie.  I want them to thin out a lot and look like this:

Oh how I love everything about this picture!  The skinny calves obvs, but I love that she is wearing those gorgeous heels and I love that he's lifting her with 1 arm.  Yeah, I really heart this pic.

On another note, I realize that I have not done that well about posting my food everyday, but I have been logging it on Myfitnesspal app and the last 2 days I have had less than 1000 calories. 

Breakfast: oatmeal with a table spoon of brown sugar:  190 cal
Coffee with sugar and ffree half and half:  28 cal

Lunch: Light Progresso soup: 120 cal

Snack: Special K fruit Crisps: 100 cal

Dinner: Lemon Pepper Grilled Chick breast: 240 cal
           Roasted Asparagus: 132 cal (I don't think it was this many cals but I'm erring on the side of caustion here)

Dessert: Jello with ffree whip cream: 90 cal

Total Cal: 894!!  WOOHOO!!

Breakfast: Coffee with sugar and ffree ahlf and half: 28 cal
Cinnamon raisin thin bagel with 1 wedge of light laughing cow cheese spread: 145 cal

Lunch: skipped on accident

Snack: 1/2 a pb power bar:120 cal (this was SO gross!  I dont' know how M eats them!)
          Small apple: 80 cal

Dinner: 6" Sweet onion chick teriyaki sub: 380 cal

Dessert: Jello with ffree whip cream: 170 cal (cause I had a good sized portion)

Total Cals: 923!  Woop!  Woop!
So there you have it.  I've done pretty awesome.  Tomorrow is WIF (Weigh In Friday) and I really am hoping for at LEAST a 2lb loss.  I have worked out every day since Monday!!  Thats so awesome for me guys!  It's like, unheard of in these parts!  But I'm really trying to kick it up a notch.  I've got to get these lbs rolling off again!  February is going to be much more awesome (scalewise) then January!!

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