Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I don't have time to work out.

I just don't.
You know how so many people say they don't have time to work out?  Or they're too tired by the time they do have a minute?  It's true.  It takes tremendous effort for the average person (i.e. me) to get to the gym 4-5 days a week!  Sure, there are days where all the stars align and it's easy, but the majority of the time, it's really hard!  I try to schedule M-W-F: CrossFit and Tu-Th-Sat: Zumba.  It works on paper! But then real life and my J-O-B kick in and all hell breaks loose!  See, Tues and Thurs my son has to be dropped off at preK at the same time CrossFit starts so those days CrossFit is out but they work perfect for Zumba at night, BUT weeks like these, my daughter has to cheer  Mon, Tues AND Thurs at basketball games. So, here I am.  What to do, what to do....well, there's the obvious (for some) and easy choice: No Zumba this week!  No big deal!  There's always next week- but wait, she cheers next week too.  Well, next week is her official last week of cheer so that's good!  But wait there's more!! (<---in my infomercial voice) There will probably be some type of tournament after that.  Then before we know it we are headed into Softball and Teeball for the siblings.  It. Doesn't. End.

I'm not going on and on about my schedule in hopes of someone offering to come super nanny and chauffeur my kids for free!  I don't want to lose my job!  That's why I make the big bucks! And by 'big bucks' I mean kisses and beautiful coloring pages saying "I love you mom" to go on my fridge.  I say all this to show, it really is hard to fit in a consistent exercise routine, even for the (gasp) stay at home mom.  Now, I am left with a decision to miss juuuuust one game of my daughter cheering this week (out of SIX!) and feel the pang of mommy guilt (what will all the other mommies think?!?  will my daughter be scarred for life???)  or to be selfish. Yes, selfish.  Take this one hour away from everyone else and go to Zumba.  Not because I will die if I miss this one class but because it will always be something.  I have to learn to make. It. Work.  Fit it in.  Go above and beyond and juggle the schedule until I can squeeze in 1 hour for me a day to get healthier.  I have to hope my kids and husband (and maybe the other moms?  No.  They think I suck.) will understand that I'm doing this for all of us!  I have to believe that it's sending a good positive message to my kids that being fit and getting daily exercise has to have a place in our daily activities. 

There are days when my schedule allows me to go but I am exhausted  ....I still try to push myself to go.  It's easy to go to the gym when everything lines up, your schedule is clear, you've had just the right amount of caffeine and you're feeling on top of the world!  I'm learning the difference in those that make true progress and those that don't are the ones that really push themselves to go when every bone in their body is yelling nooooo!  Go sit down and relax!!! You've earned it! I'm learning that the difference in those that make true progress and those that don't are the ones that find a way to get there, day after day, after day!  I always thought that people that went to the gym were 'gym people.'  Obviously not 'normal' people like me!  But I'm starting to realize, those are just everyday people that know that you have to make some sacrifices and get there.  They did that and now they look like 'gym people.' 

*sigh*  I'm rambling.  I guess my point is, it really is true when people say they don't have the time to exercise.  They just have to make it.   Tonight, I'm making the time. **pang**


Saturday, January 4, 2014

525,600 minutes

I kicked off my "Back to working out like I mean it" yesterday morning by getting up early and going to CrossFit and was pretty happy with myself.  Then last night I really felt like a hardcore fitness chick when I bundled up and headed to Zumba when it was snowing, no, make that BLIZZARDING, ok...hard flurrying, and 20 degrees!  (I know, I know, it doesn't take much to make me think I'm hardcore, does it!!?? :D  )

I had a great workout, burned tons of calories and had even more fun doing it!  Before I knew it, it was the last song.  The 'cool down' song.  Last night my instructor played (in honor of the New Year of course!) the '525, 600 minutes' song from Rent.  It's so good!  Do you know it???

"525,600 minutes,
525,000 moments so dear.
525,600 minutes - how do you measure,
measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee?
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife?
In 525,600 minutes - how do you
measure a year in the life?
How about love?"
Seriously if you haven't ever heard it, stop reading this and watch it above!!!
Anyway, as we were stretching and breathing and plie-ing, this is how my thought process went:
~Oh!  I love this song!  Woop woop!
*and pliƩ*
~525,600 minutes.....we just finished another year....she played this on purpose....so clever!
*and stretch to the right*
~A year, 525,600 minutes gone and I am not down one pound on the scale.
*and arm behind my head*
~I have wasted this whole year!!!!!  OMG!!! I SUCK!!  *getting teary now*
*and reach for my toes*
~How did this happen?  *they're mocking me now!!* "525,600 minutes!!!!!!" and what have I done with it??!?!?
*and shoulder roll*
~Another year GONE on my journey to a healthier/skinnier/better me. UGH!!!!
*and reeeeeach*
~ The Flipagram!!! (read: fancy schmancy techno-slideshow I made this week of my family and every thing we did in 2013.)
*and flat back* *flashes of my babies laughing, flipping on the beach, posing in Disney world, joining new teams, boating,  making new memories*
~That Flipagram was flipping awesome!! We did some very cool stuff over the last 525,600 minutes!!  To say I wasted the year is crazy and simple minded really!!
*and grab ankles*
~2013 was awesome.  I didn't reach my fitness goals but I didn't go back to all of my old habits.  I didn't gain it all back!  I'm a CrossFitter for Gods sake!!!
*and roll up*
~I DID get stronger in 2013 and 2014 is going to be even better!!  For real.
*and pliƩ*
~Ahhhh, I love this song.

And? And that was how I ended my first day of working out during my brand spanking new set of 525,600 minutes.  Positive.  Happy.  Proud.  Determined.

The afore mentioned Flipagram for your viewing pleasure! :p