Friday, February 10, 2012

OOPS I did it again <---Brittany style ya'll!! ;)

Soooooo, yeah there's no way I can drag this out!  I'm too excited!  I did it!  I'm down 2 more lbs this week!  Whew!  That was a close one!!!  I really wasn't sure if I'd do it since I cheated and weighed a couple times during the week had a gut feeling that it wasn't going so well. But I really stuck to it and tried to have no splurge day or splurge meal this week and thus...I am 2lbs of fat less right now than I was 7 days ago!  BAM! :) 
I gave myself the deadline of 50lbs off by Valentines Day.  I'm down a total of 48lbs so I need to loose 2 lbs in the next 4 days....hmmm....that's gonna be hard, but I'm going to try my absolute hardest!  I really want to meet that goal just because I set it, ya know?!  My backup, should I fail at this mission, is to have it off by our date night on the 18th because that's really our V-day anyway.  Well that's next Saturday, so either way by this time next week I will have hit the big 5-0!!  I can NOT wait! 
K, I'm off to the eye dr (I'm blind you guys!! I'm typing in brail right now!), have brunch with my favorite Gram and go run my c25k for the day!  Fun fun stuff! Lol 
Catch ya on the flip side!

Oh and ps.

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