Monday, January 23, 2012

The weekend roundup...

Good evening fine people of the blogasphere! I had a pretty great weekend!  Well, Saturday started out not so great, I truly thought I had pancreatitis and went to urgent care where they told me I wasn't in enough pain for it to be pancreatitis.  Apparently they were right, because I'm fine!  Then Saturday night me and the fam tried a new church, which we really liked!  We're really going to try to start going every Saturday night.  It's a Christian church, but they offer Saturday night OR Sunday morning services, which for a sleep loving family like mine = awesomeness!  Unfortunately, I DID have a splurge meal after church.  I had chicken picatta and to say it was yummy just doesn't do it justice!  I also had bread.......ok and 1ONE little (largish) margarita!  Gosh, stop looking at me like that!!  I told you I have to live!  (If you're judging me, I'm judging your mom!)
Sunday I got up and decided to go for a run. It is one of my ultimate goals in this life of mine to run (whaaaa?!?) that's right RUN a 5k!  I think about it. A lot. I've tried the couch to 5k program a few times but never followed through.  Now that I'm over 40lbs lighter, it seems like a good time to give it another go!  It went extremely well!  I did a mile, doing 60 sec jogs broke up by 90 sec walks.  The first half was extremely easy and I thought I had it made!  The 2nd half was much harder but I did it!  Every time that mean ass British woman said "Start running."  I did. :)  I got done so quick, my girls were like, "Wow! Mom that was fast!" :) I am so very VERY sore. Like, I don't want to go pee b/c of the pain in my legs when I go to sit and get back up- sore. Ouch! 
Sunday, the girls had an extra long girl scout meeting that just so happens to be in front of my parents house so I dropped them and hung out at my parents all day.  I FINALLY tried to make that pico de gillo that I talked about like a week ago.  I washed and chopped and diced and measured, and? And it was so bleeping hot that NO ONE could eat it except for my crazy husband!  Not even my dad and certainly not sensitive sally - ME!  I was so so disappointed and HUNGRY dang it!  So I ended up digging out a yogurt from my moms fridge to hold me over for dinner.  Everyone else was eating this delicious dip my mom has recently started making which included demon ingrediants such as but not limited to: mayonaise, whole fat cream cheese and shredded cheddar.  Ugh. It. is. so. good.  But, I dipped my finger in once just for a tiny taste and then ate my yogurt! *high fives all around*  I needed to save all my cals and fat grams for dinner because it was my sisters birthday dinner at, of all places, a delicious italian pizzeria: NYNY PIzza! So I pretty much didn't eat all day b/c I knew there would be some serious eating going on there.  In the end, I don't think I did so shabby.  I ate 2 pieces of veggie pizza without the crust and 1 mini cannoli.  Old me?  Umm, 1-2 garlic knots, 3 pieces of pizza, a mini-cannoli, a piece of bday cake AND the boy's left over cannoli!  So, ya see?  I did good! :) 
Tomorrow I'm planning on doing a little scale sneak peek.  If you are very very nice and say please I may give u access to said sneak peek. Here's hoping!

PS. I just looked down at my hand and it looks thinner!  There are 2 things to take notice of in this picture: 1) Obviously: my wedding rings are on my middle finger.  When I'm at home, this is pretty much where they stay now.  They are WAAAAY too big on me!  YAY!  And 2) The main thing I just noticed:  that little wrist bone sticking out!  Hey there, little fella!  Haven't seen you in a decade or so! :D


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